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Главная > Новости > Renesas Expands ADAS SoC Portfolio with R-Car V4M and V4H Series

Renesas Expands ADAS SoC Portfolio with R-Car V4M and V4H Series

Renesas has announced the latest additions to its R-Car ADAS and automated driving (AD) portfolio with the launch of the R-Car V4M and V4H system-on-chip (SoC) series. These new SoCs are designed for ADAS L2, L2+, and L3 applications, delivering exceptional performance while maintaining software and pin compatibility with previous R-Car models.

V4M and V4H R-Car SoCs expand Renesas’ processor offerings.

The R-Car V4M targets lower-cost ADAS L2 and L2+ applications, while the V4H provides support for ADAS L2+ and L3 systems. The V4M delivers up to 17 TOPS, and the V4H achieves 34 TOPS, powered by multiple Arm Cortex A76 cores for high-speed processing and AI-enhanced vision systems. Both SoCs feature advanced computer vision, AI deep learning, and fisheye lens correction for image recognition.

R-Car V4M and V4H span ADAS L2 through L3.

With a multi-core configuration, including Cortex R52 cores for real-time operations and ASIL-D safety compliance, these chips are built for high-reliability automotive safety systems. The 7-nm design provides optimized performance per watt, making them a perfect fit for the next generation of energy-efficient vehicles.

In addition to their processing power, the V4M and V4H chips maintain software reusability across the R-Car family, offering scalable solutions and reducing time to market for automotive OEMs. The new SoCs are also fully compatible with Renesas' power management ICs and include a broad range of automotive interfaces, such as CAN, Ethernet AVB, and PCIe.

V4M and V4H block diagrams.

The R-Car V4M and V4H SoCs are now available as samples, with mass production slated for Q1 2026.

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